Incursion: Bound Fetich Spawn

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Quest Overview

Defeat 10 Fetich Spawn for an experience reward.

Start Location:
Requirements: Level 24+
Quest Starter: Bound Fetich Spawn
Time Limit: 48 hours
Repeat Time: 6 Days
XP Reward: 63,000 XP
Other Rewards:
Related Quests:


This quest is also known as 'FETS' ingame. The Bound Fetich Spawn and it's kill task Fetich Spawns are found near the Southeast Naderu Outpost on the Rakani Portal Ringway. The Fetich Spawns are level 29 and carry around 4,532hp, which means a fellowship is most definitely needed for this quest. Debuffs, Pets, Tanks, and Vulnerability skills will come in handy when fighting these mobs, as they don't go down as quickly as other mobs. Be careful of standing around a Corrupted Idol Spawn, as it will continue to spawn mobs and you can become quickly overwhelmed. Once you kill the last Fetich Spawn, you gain the reward automatically.


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